little riding hood

My attitude towards this famous tale by the Brothers Grimm is deeply complex, and has been for as long as I can remember. Throughout the years, various little red hooded figures pop up in my work, and sometimes wolves, too. 

The story has it all: childhood and femininity, representations of different characters, innocence and its loss. I deal with these issues in my other works as well, even if under the surface. 

This series, presented at the Tel Aviv 2019 Illustration Week, combines different Little Red Riding Hoods I made over the years, alongside ones created especially for the exhibit. The classic, symbolic, childish imagery was complemented by several more mature figures that interact with the newer pieces – symbolic representations from The Handmaid’s Tale. 

Among the figures appear wolves who, just like in real life, are always lurking behind. A fact of life. Here, mass and quantity plays an important role – a visual overload I love and seek to create.

little riding hood